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Our Mission


Raising an Entrephilanthropic Generation through Financial Literacy & Character Development


is the act of organizing and managing any enterprise and venture usually with considerable initiative and risk to attain and accumulate various forms of WEALTH and resources for the purpose of altruistic concern for human welfare and advancement, usually manifested by utilization of such resources, by the endowment of institutions of learning and generosity to other socially useful purposes.

“WEALTH is Praiseworthy in the Highest Degree, if it is acquired by an individual’s own efforts and the grace of God …, and if it be expended for Philanthropic Purposes.”


Achieving financial independence is a commendable goal, however, improving the lives of millions of less fortunate people throughout the world as well as one’s self would be a much higher accomplishment. Fortunately attaining such a high goal requires accumulation, management, and utilization of various types of WEALTH and understanding their potential. Furthermore, financial freedom becomes a milestone in our quest to make a difference in the world.

Old Words, New Meanings


Any resources including but not limited to knowledge, expertise, talent, passion, time, & money as well as physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual powers.


A person who possesses various forms of WEALTH and resources.


A person who possesses the skills and passion to obtain, manage, and utilize WEALTH and resources for illuminating the world

Our Financial Literacy Method

First, a solid foundation in Saving, Investing, Sharing, and Spending must be developed to achieve our mission. Through patience, we learn to save for various goals (short-term, mid-term, and long-term). Moderation and responsibility provide essential tools to control spending habits. Finally, thankfulness, selflessness, and generosity will help us put our fellow world citizens before ourselves. Furthermore, courage – without fear of loss – is needed to take calculated risks to share and invest not only material but also all forms of WEALTH, and creativity enables us to become innovative in expanding WEALTH for the benefit of humanity.